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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ending of my blog....I did try but just not enough response to keep going.  So I will debate a few more days.  Finding helpful products is not easy and cheap.  So I will post now and then at this point I will go for once a week and see what happens.  Plus having family crisis in few areas so my time is invested in that right now, Thanks for support and understanding---Tracy

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Moving and packing

About 12 years ago I thought I had moved for the last time of my life.  Wrong!  Things change, as we all know the economy is real bad for people who survive off of Social Security and disability.  So I am moving again this time in with my father.  My boyfriend/husband of 15 years will be going also.  So I have started to clean house.  Packing....which to use totes or cardboard boxes?  Well I am going with totes because tape and bad hands=problems.  So I found that totes with closer handles on lid to be best  for bad hands.

So I recommend Rubbermaid totes they stack nice also.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


My least favorite thing to do.  I have to use a dishwasher due to my hands, the only problem I found, is which dishwashing detergent is the best for me.  Well after trying ALL of them I believe Cascade action paks are the way to go.  My dishes come out crystal clear and spotless.

I do recommend Cascade action paks-the powder formula is to heavy and hard to hold so using is difficult.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

These are a staple for me.  For starters pre-cut and pop-up.  Next of all I buy mine at Dollar Tree or Dollar General for $1.00 per box.  Considering I use them for alot of things in the kitchen from the baked potato to covering bowls also line my pans when baking chicken and stuff like that. I do recommend these for people with bad hands these are very easy tp pull out.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just a quick note...I am having a bad flare up, so I will be back to posting in a few days.  Thanks for understanding--Tracy

Monday, April 8, 2013

Zipper puller helper
I always do not want to have a ring attatched to the zipper at all times, but I need to use a zipper.  Forget those little plastic ones that attatch also-WORTHLESS.  If you are going to leave the pull on the zipper make it metal and round.  But I have a tool I have with me at all times
These are WORTHLESS-save you money!
Ableware Button Aid/Zipper PullThis one is better, I have one that has just a hook, so you can hook on zipper pull up and done.  This one has a button closer-they do not work for me ever! But here is a site that is very reasonable in price and shipping http://www.easierliving.com/ Check it out.  They have care packs and neat little helpful things.  They even give me ideas on ways to do or try something to help myself.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My helpful opener

My favorite soda can opener to this day is from Pampered Chef, it has the best gripping control I have found.  The opener itself offers a few things it can do as opening 2 liter bottles, but I find that very unreliable due to the fact that companies are always changing lid sizes.  But I have one in my kitchen one in my van, and also one in my little bag of openers I carry with me at all times ( I will do a post on my must have with me at all times).

This item is very affordable.  This is an item I do recommend for people with hand issues.